Real time file synchronization software
EDpCloud real time file synchronization software is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, AIX and your favorite UNIX!.
Uses of EDpCloud file transfer, file replication and file synchronization software
Helping systems staff reduce labor costs and risks associated with data transfer and data protection.
The automated enterprise data replication software solution eliminates errors and risks of data delivery and data synchronization.
EDpCloud slashes costs of data synchronization and file mirroring. It automates server and PC backup to ensure continuous data protection.

What you can do with EDpCloud's cross platform file transfer and file synchronization software?
With EDpCloud data replication software you will achieve:
Automated file sync
Automated secure file transfer, replication and remote available online backup.
Remote backup
Remote data backup using file replication software with no proprietary formats.
Data protection
Data protection with no restore time: Data is accessible(No restore is needed).
Data aggregation
Data aggregation from many different operating systems and sites.
Data sharing
Data sharing across systems and sites.
Data migration
Data migration to the cloud or between operating systems
Secure data delivery
Encrypted data delivery for operations and decision making.
Large file transport
Moving large amounts of data automatically between systems and sites
Secure transport & storage
Protected data in transit and at rest using encryption
Flexible file sync
Syncing data in real time or using a schedule between Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.
EDpCloud file sync and replication software: a cross platform enterprise solution.
EDpCloud file synchronization software for Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris and AIX keeps all systems synchronized for online backup, workflow synchronization and automation, data protection and sharing between stake holders. Copy files securely between systems and offices.
EDpCloud updates file changes using advanced computer synchronization technology.
EDpCloud supports:
- Heterogeneous virtual to virtual machine file sync
- Heterogeneous virtual to physical machine synchronization
- Physical to virtual machine synchronization(and vice-versa)
- Automatic syncing of files between PC, Apple, and network file servers
- Replication and syncing between heterogeneous servers, laptops, storage, networks and file systems
- Sending large files between geographic sites and systems
- Consolidation of online local and remote backups
- Sharing and transferring files between local(LAN) and remote geographic sites(WAN)
- Automated file distribution between systems, regions and branch offices.
Synchronize data in real time or using a schedule.
You can setup EDpCloud to synchronize data in real time (As files change, file changes or what is known as deltas are sent to one or more locations. You can also create a schedule to sync files at various time intervals or you can simply sync data on demand.
Your company’s productivity depends on your ability to move information quickly and securely. All your end users need access to critical data regardless of location and operating system.
Use EDpCloud to transfer files and folders and to mirror data between systems, business processes and geographic sites:
- Replicate files and transfer data between platforms
- Gain control over encryption while moving data
- Ensure efficient and safe transfer of data to remote locations.
No matter how many different platforms that your operations depend on, EnduraData has a solution for you. EDpCloud is available for Windows, Mac, Solaris, Linux and other Unix. EDpCloud is available on Intel, Sparc and IBM Power. EDpCloud is used for data aggregation, data migration, data distribution and data protection.
- Linux
- Windows
- Mac
- Solaris
- Other UNIX call
Are you constantly sharing very important and private data that needs to be kept secure?
With EnduraData, you will find the right kind of results for your needs as it allows you to create replication for data protection with a truly unique and solid solution in order to recover from any security breaches.

Replicate and Synchronize data between remote locations across the globe.
You are going to be able to reduce risks, delivery costs and time simultaneously. The best thing is that Enduradata is going to integrate perfectly with any system that you decide to use. This is the future of data protection and it provides a bulletproof method to move data around and gives you the peace of mind that you need in order to conduct your business without worries.
Leverage your existing infrastructure, your data and the cloud:
- Synchronize between local area networks, clouds and create hybrid solutions
- Leverage your existing infrastructure
- Automated file replication that saves time and reduces costs
- Make data available for testing, analytics, devops while protecting it
- No worries in regards to data leaks
- Use EDpCloud for disaster tolerance
- It can be installed and used on current servers and existing infrastructure
- Supports private and public networks replication
- Replicate between Windows and Linux and guard against ransomeware with archives
- This solution will mirror servers in real time: This means that any file changes in one location are replicated to other locations. Data is shared and is protected. This means you will save yourself the trouble of having to update any shared information. All the data modified within your network will be updated in one or more remote locations automatically.