EDpCloud simple file sync configuration demo

aRoot automatic file transfer, Data Replication Technologies, file replication software, support tips

This post uses a video to show how quickly you can configure a windows file server replication to synchronize data to  two remote machines. For the sake of this example, we will create two links to synchronize the localhost (a windows box) with a machine called london and a machine called japan.

A few simple steps are involved:

1. Create a link (A logical grouping to organize file replication from a sender and one or more receivers). EDpCloud assigns link names automatically, but as you can see  in the demo, you can rename them.

2. For each link, change the sender hostname/IP if you wish

3. Add a password that will be used to communicate between the sender and the receiver. The password for the sender is the same as the password for the receiver. The system fills it automatically for the receiver once you enter the password for the sender.

4. For each link, click on the receiver , change the receiver name and the storage path where the data will be stored.

5. Apply the configuration when done to activate the file sync configuration

6. Create a schedule to synchronize data on a periodic basis. You can edit the schedule by pressing edit. The example here shows how we changed the link from “All links: *” to “london”

You will need to do the same on each of the receivers (You can apply the same configs on the receiver from the advanced tab).

You are done.



EDpCloud simple file sync configuration demo was last modified: July 25th, 2024 by aRoot

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