EDpCloud file replication software 4.1.5 is out.

Release 4.1.5 of EDpCloud file replication and synchronization introduces a few new tools, features and fixes some bugs.

What is new in 4.1.5

1. Support for IBM AIX on Power systems 7
2. Support for Linux on IBM Power Systems 7
3. Support for WebDav integration
4. Fixed some broken links
5. Added autosave of configuration parameters when changing links
6. Added paging to all outputs that are too long to reduce memory foot print and make it easy to read
7. Added option to dump failure logs
8. Added logs and traces on both the senders and receivers.

Important note about WebDav for Linux and Unix users

To use webdav, you will need to install php and need to change
to use your own downloaded php, php-cgi and php.ini (if your build does not have it already).
Windows users have a working php distribution and need not make any changes.

What is new in EDpCloud 4.1.5

1. A web based GUI. The GUI uses nginx, php, js, xml, html.
2. Support for striped directories (leaving only filename)
3. Support for symlinks with relative paths
4. Added log compression and a utility to decompress them (edzdump)
5. Added full support to restore from anywhere
6. Added history truncate
7. Added service to start webgui server
8. File Replication for Solaris 10 for SPARC is back by demand.

Download. Install, configure and run EDpCloud to replicate data

All services run as system administrator but you can also run as a user with
regular privileges.

Download your file sync package first

Preparing for Installation

Save any old configs( save the entire etc directory) you may have created before. Remove the old software before installing.

Important concept

EDpCloud Uses what we call links to create a logical association between one host that sends data and one or more hosts that receive the data.
So a link has only one sender and one or more receiver. You can have as many links as you want to.

Installation for Windows

Double click on the zip then double click on *setup*.exe
Choose the defaults. Make sure you install in a path with no spaces in it.
Restore any old configs you may have created.

WARNING: Go to etc directory and change your passwords then restart the services

Make sure you have changed the passwords. Do not use the defaults.

Starting/Restaring Services Under Windows

The services should start automatically but if you need to start them use the following path:

Stat --> All programs --> EnduraData --> ServiceName

You can also use the command line interface (Start the command line as an admin):

  • to start all services: edstart.bat
  • to stop the services: edstop.bat
  • to stop web services: start-all.bat

Starting/Staring Services Under UNIX/Linux/Mac/Solaris

We'll assume you installed under /usr/local/enduradata

1 Become root
2 cd /usr/local/enduradata/edpcloud/bin
3 . ./ startall
4. To stop all services: stopall

Configuration Using WEBGUI

The WEB GUI supports firefox and chrome on all platforms except for Mac where you need to use Safari.

Read the documentation under edpcloud/edpwebgui/README. You may need to change the ports.

The default password is masterpassword. You can change it by editing etc/edwebguipasswd.

Browse to https://localhost 

1. Login (Use masterpassword) and change the original password:

a. Click on config files
b. Select edwebguipasswd

2. Select Configure tab

Edit existing links or create one. The links are shown on the left, the config parameters are shown on the right.

Click on the link name to edit the sender parameters. Make sure you save them before you switch tabs.

Click on receivers to edit the storage path where your data will be located.
Other things you can do in config: rename links, rename senders, rename receivers.

When done with the configuration, you will need to apply it.
You can send your configurations to other receivers from the advanced tab.

Once you have created a configuration and applied it, it is time to configure real time (Windows, Linux) or create a schedule to replicate your data. You can also run replication on demand to replicate data immediately.

Required maintenance

Users may need to trim the logs and history once in a while. Also the jobs database may tend to get very large
if you are tracking everything at very high frequencies.

Additional documentation

You can find additional documentation in html format under enduradata\edpcloud\doc or by clicking "?"

Need support for EDpCloud?

Ping support, email them. They will be glad to help.
The Engineering Team ( at EnduraData would love to hear your feedback. We want the good, the ugly but above all we want your suggestions.

IMPORTANT RELEASE NOTES: EDPCLOUD SYNC AND REPLICATION was last modified: January 23rd, 2020 by S. Dimitri